September a time for new beginnings
I’ve always viewed September as a time for new beginnings…
✨ New school year
✨ New friends
✨ New opportunities
✨ New season
As my kids got ready for school last week I saw excitement and nervousness in their eyes.
Who is my teacher? Will he or she be nice? Is my best friend going to be in my class? Will this new grade be hard?
These are some of the questions they’ve been asking me for over the past 2 weeks.
I don’t know the answer to them but I know they will be fine.
They will face challenges, they always do but I know they will end up on top. We work through them and find solutions.
We don’t say this new school year is too hard. The unknown is too scary! Let’s just keep you in grade 4, grade 5 is too much!
We face the fear and go forward.
But somehow we stop doing this as adults. We fear the unknown instead of facing it, embracing it, going with the flow.
So I ask you to reflect on your own life.
✅ Are you taking chances?
✅ Are you moving forward?
✅ Are you moving towards your dreams?
Or are you..
❌ stuck, stopped, stagnated
❌ Unhappy, bored, drained or burnout?
Well, this is the season of change.
Spend some time this week and journal/ reflect on these 3 questions:
What do you want out of life?
What would make your life more fulfilling, joyful and meaningful?
What action step can you take this week to get closer to having a more fulfilling life?
I would love to know your answers so please feel free to comment below!
Stop fearing the unknown and embrace the change!
Sending you lots of love