Roadmap to Success


    This journey begins with identifying your passions. Maybe right now you don’t know what your passions are. That’s ok! We will spend time connecting to your inner self and uncovering the things that bring joy, love, meaning and fulfillment into your life.


    From our passion discovery work, you may have identified multiple passions. We explore possible careers or businesses in alignment with these passions. We will narrow down these careers to one and this will be our ultimate goal (e.g. becoming a nurse, entrepreneur, analyst, photographer, author etc).


    During this phase, we identify current limiting beliefs, thoughts and behaviours that have prevented you from moving forward and achieving your goals in the past. Examples of common limiting beliefs & behaviours are low self confidence, people pleasing, putting yourself last, fear of failing, self sabotage etc.


    Together we will create an action plan to help you achieve your ultimate goal. We identify where you want to be in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years and 10 years from now. Then we decide on action steps that need to be completed to achieve each of these milestones.


    Once we have an action plan created, we will decide on action steps that need to be completed each week. I will hold you accountable to these action steps and we will adjust the plan when necessary.


    This is a journey with peeks and valleys and I will be there to provide you with unconditional support throughout it all. I will be there for guidance and support as you overcome obstacles. And together we will celebrate your WINS!


12 Weekly 60-minute, 1-on-1 sessions

  • Comprehensive goal assessment

  • Personalized goal, mindfulness, and
    action plan to help you reach your goals

  • Unlimited guidance and support via email & FB messenger

  • Helpful tools, tips, and exercises for navigating your unique obstacles

  • Ensure you leave each session feeling clear, motivated and committed to achieving your goals

    Session duration can be changed upon request

You will have a CAREER & LIFE that you truly LOVE

And become the best version of yourself along the way


  • A life coach is a professional who helps you attain your goals through personal development, accountability and guidance. Whether your goal is to gain more confidence, improve a relationship, find a career you are truly passionate about or become more spiritual, a life coach can help you achieve it. There are specialized life coaches that focus on one particular area of your life and there are general life coaches. Both are great, it’s just your personal preference.

  • Passion Discovery Coach: is a type of coach that helps you discover your passion. Your passion could be technology, art, business, analytics, photography, fashion, writing etc.

    Mindset Coach: is a type of coach that helps you identify and overcome thoughts, beliefs and patterns that are preventing you from achieving your goals and dreams.

    Career coach: is a type of coach that supports you through the transition into a new career. They do this through career planning, resume building, interviewing, networking etc.

    Tanya Shears coaching method: is a combination of all 3 of these types of coaching styles (passion discovery, mindset & career coaching). She helps you find a career or start a new business that is in alignment with your passion. She helps you change your way of thinking so you can become the best version of yourself. And she provides you with unconditional support as you transition into this new career or business that you truly LOVE.

    This is built on the notion that when you believe in yourself and do what you love success will follow.

    “Anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in.” - Roger Clemens (former professional baseball pitcher)

    “Passion is the fuel behind a successful career” - Meg Whitman (Previously Executive of Walt Disney, Dreams Works, P&G, and currently US Ambassador to Kenya)

  • A therapist focuses on mental health while a life coach focuses on achieving goals and personal development.

    If you are struggling with mental health issues such as severe depression, trauma, anxiety, schizophrenia etc. then a therapist would be your best option.

    If you want to get unstuck, discover your purpose, find your passion, improve your relationships, gain more confidence or take your career and life to the next level than a life coach is the way to go.

    Some people even have both. A therapist to help them overcome/heal past trauma and a life coach to help them achieve their personal and professional goals.

  • A life coach is the best option if you have any of the below issues:

    • You feel stuck in life

    • You feel like you’re meant for more

    • You’re life lacks passion, drive, meaning and fulfillment

    • You lack clarity on your goals

    • You want/ need support to complete your goals

    • You struggle to stay dedicated and motivated to achieve your goals

    • You’ve had problems achieving your goals in the past

    • You need help to overcome negative beliefs and habits

    • You need someone to push you out of your comfort zone and support you through the process

    • You need support getting to the next level

    • You want to be more confident, optimistic and happy

  • Tanya has worked with numerous women in various stages in their life. Her clients have been stay at home mothers looking to get back into the workforce after 10+ years of staying at home with their children. Professional women looking to start a passionate business or side hustle. Women aged 50+ who have a passion for writing and are on the path of publishing their very first book.

    As you can see, Tanya has worked with a variety of different clients. Her only requirement is that you be open.

    Open to her method, open to getting out of your comfort zone and open to the possibility that you can have a career and life that you love. You also need to be committed to the process and creating success on your terms.

    The best way to determine if you are a great fit to work with Tanya is to book a FREE 30 min consultation.


  • Tanya has offerings available at various price points depending on your specific goals, needs and duration of working together.

    For exact pricing please book a FREE 30 min consultation.